(Fwd) wlan card resets

From: Alessandro Bondoli (info_at_bondoli-campese.com)
Date: 2002-06-05 08:04:06 UTC

- 2 access point USR2450 both flashed with an implementation of
OpenAP based on Keith Smith's OpenSTA & with new hostap_cs module (05/19/2002) & in managed mode;
- 1st AP is wired to a http server;

When wireless mobile device is connected to 2nd AP and browser is loading web pages I have frequently displayed on the laptop the following message:

wlan0: hfa384x_set_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS_WRITE failed (res=- 110)
hostap_cs: wlan0: resetting card

meanwhile web browser hangs and at final displays "host unreachable" so I have to stop the session (unless I want to wait for come of end of the world) and to reload page but anyway as web page is loaded another message such the one above appears on Minicom.
Any suggestion on what is happening and what can be done to avoid it ?

Alesssandro Bondoli

Probably this message has been sent 2 times because despite the fact I subscribed the mail list, I can't see my message posted.

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