zoomair firmware 1.4.9 upgrade .hex file

From: Alejandro Lamas (azeta_at_enterate.org)
Date: 2002-08-14 19:27:31 UTC

Here is the .hex file for upgrade the secondary firmware to 1.4.9 version that zoom send to me.
Is for a flash upgrade only and will not work with ram upgrade. If you have a zoomair 4105 with the 1.4.2 version of the secondary f/w and are thinking to upgrade it I suggest you to do it in a Windows box because this is the S.O. they support.
The flash is not much longer than 40 seconds but I did it in a laptop to avoid any crash because a power lost.

Now my cards works in HostAP mode :)

kernel: wlan0: NIC: id=0x8003 v1.0.0
kernel: wlan0: PRI: id=0x15 v0.3.0
kernel: wlan0: STA: id=0x1f v1.4.9

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