3Com Airconnect stopped working

From: idek_at_pandora.be
Date: 2002-08-16 11:44:40 UTC


yesterday i had a working config with a 3Com Airconnect 3CRWE777A (hostap_plx). Namely my desktop routes between a wired and wireless network. My Tecra 9000 laptop is connected to the wireless lan...

Problem i have now is that yesterday afternoon i shutdown my desktop. In the evening i powered it back up and since then my wireless networkig isn't working anymore... The hostap_plx module gets loaded without any error (no error in messages). I can configure the card but my laptop can't connect or even detect the hostap (no signal).

Ok, at that moment i was thinking the card was broken on the desktop or there was something wrong on the portable... So i decided to install Win XP and the drivers for Win XP on another partition (just to prepare myself whenever a call to 3Com would need to be opened). Surprisingly i could talk to my portable in peer-to-peer mode. I also am running a soft called Net Stumbler on my portable which sniffs the network for presence of ap's etc and this one immidiately discovered the 3com (where it didn't using hostap)...

I'm looking for some hints right now. The contents of /proc/net/prism/wlan/stats show me there is absolutely no TX or RX activity... According to me there's no software issue as loading the module works and the interface can be brought up (which was enough to have the wlan0 to be detected by the sniffer) So the 3Com wlan0 is working? Or could it be that there is a hardware malfunction which just breaks the ap-functionality...?

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