wlan card resets

From: Alessandro Bondoli (info_at_bondoli-campese.com)
Date: 2002-06-04 17:34:50 UTC

I made an implementation of OpenAP based on Keith Smith's OpenSTA on my usr2450 with new hostap_cs module (05/19/2002) and I noticed that, when my laptop is connected on serial port, using a wireless device connected to this AP I have frequently displayed the following message:

wlan0: hfa384x_set_rid: CMDCODE_ACCESS_WRITE failed (res=- 110)
hostap_cs: wlan0: resetting card

wireless device hangs (on this device is running an http browser) and I have to stop the session and to reload page. Any suggestion on what happens and what can be done to avoid this?

Alesssandro Bondoli
Alessandro Bondoli
BONDOLI & CAMPESE spa * Settore Viteria * via Bondi, 38
48100 Ravenna (RA), Italia
tel +39 0544 452966
fax +39 0544 451382

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