Odd error - AP down.

From: Terry Hardie (terryh_at_orcas.net)
Date: 2002-06-16 06:46:07 UTC

Well, the lockups seem to be fixed for me (As I mentioned in my previous post), but after several days, I start getting this:

kernel: wlan0: AP queue full - dropping new message

And it just keeps repeating. The AP is down, and I can't even unload the driver - A complete reboot is required to reset this.

Running version 2002-05-19.


Terry Hardie					terry_at_net.com
SHOUTip Engineering Product Manager		ICQ#: 977679
net.com, 6530 Paseo Padre Parkway
Mailstop #2207, Fremont, CA 94555, USA		V: +1-510-574-2366

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